Hey its Rainy season again. This is said to be pre-monsoon still but what condition it has made of my Mumbai. Every where water, water and more of water. Potholes have started making its appearance, definitely which is not visible when its raining. Ha it has because it’s full of water in them. So what do you think rains are good or have more disadvantages. Of course advantages are more. It’s impossible to live with peace the whole year if no rains in these 3-4 months occur. They play vital role in life.
If we try to analyze rains make nature happy. Trees turn greener and beautiful, small grasses grow which gives the whole environment a new fresh look. So if nature is happy we can’t complain about the season.
I just love rains when
1. I am at home with whole of my family and its raining outside. From my balcony the site is breath-taking during rains.
2. When I am in office. Well no site view from there but I feel safe he he he
3. When I am on a hill station in natures lap.
If we try to analyze rains make nature happy. Trees turn greener and beautiful, small grasses grow which gives the whole environment a new fresh look. So if nature is happy we can’t complain about the season.
I just love rains when
1. I am at home with whole of my family and its raining outside. From my balcony the site is breath-taking during rains.
2. When I am in office. Well no site view from there but I feel safe he he he
3. When I am on a hill station in natures lap.

And I hate it
1. When I am traveling…in trains, bus so much of delays and traffic every where yaar.
2. When I am driving my car its so risky
But any ways rains are a big relief after bad summers in Mumbai and it gives us water to drink and other purpose the whole year, so better reasons love you rain.
Just hopping this year rains are better than past….
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