Hey I am not a writer nor a poet. So here in my blog you gonna read life through my eyes or rather my thoughts......keep reading.....
Friday, October 16, 2009
The joy of Giving
On b’days / anniversaries I tend to send a Card or a small momentum to my dear ones. But that was only up to a limit. It was just to see happiness on my pals face.
Almost a year ago I met a young, talented and very talkative girl. No one could mess with her. We work at the same place and that was when I learnt from her the joy of giving.
She is the only person whom I have ever seen who loves to present her pals with lots of gift. You just have to be in her long list of friends and you are surely to be surprised on your b’day with her gifts. If it’s not your b’day just without any occasion she will buy something and gift it to you. She always say “I was at this shop and I saw this thing (the present) and I thought of you so here it’s for you”. We stare her with our amazed eyes. Earlier my thoughts were like “what a stupid brat she is”. As time passed by and she become my very good friend only then I realized the joy she gets to present her loved ones. People have started fearing to open their mouth and say “oh!!! I like this” as the next day she might get it for them.
Her innocent act impressed everyone because all she accepts is love and true friendship in return nothing else. But our common tendency is how we gonna return it to her?
She is for sure the craziest person I have ever seen who spends more than half of her salary on her dear ones. I am sure she’s gonna hate me to have used the word “spend” as she do not agree on the term when she gets gifts.
But on the whole no one can beat her on this act of her’s but she truly enjoys the joy and pleasant smile on her friends face.
I hope from the bottom of my heart that I am by her side when she needs me. GOD BLESS
Neglecting me???
Few months back suddenly I felt that no one needs about me. No one loves me. My parents are no longer the same they have their own world to carry on and I am not a part. My brother now don’t like to talk to me and my dear friends they don’t like me and are simply irritated to talk to me. Whatever I say what ever I do, never interest any of them. My demands become secondary and I am no longer a part in their life. I felt helpless and useless. The only thing I did was started to stay aloof. Not talking to any one. Quite all the time- at home, office, and everywhere I go. I actually made myself meet my nightmare “being lonely”.
I cried for reasons I still don’t understand. I don’t know what was going on but I felt miserable. My depression was now visible on my face to my surprise people noticed it. “What happened to you?” With all their concerns each and every person asked me and my parent got much tensed. All were scratching their heads to know the reason of my silence.
And that was the moment I learned a very important lesson of my life. “No one neglected me it was only me who reacted that way”. It was me who got aloof and yes lonely. I was punishing myself and I realized that I felt neglected but no one actually tried to do that to me.
So now I have learned a biggest lesson to live life as if it’s my world.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Mom can I stay with you for ever
She was all excited about her marriage that she took active participation in all the arrangements for it. Indian weddings are usually huge and continue for 3-4 days. It starts with various rituals to be followed to the final day of marriage and then final goodbye from her parent’s house. North Indians typically have their actual weeding rituals during the night.
We found our self’s listening to some funny incidences and talks she has with her fiancĂ© over the phone. Every person got engrossed in her little world. Things went perfectly well. All rituals went fine and the D-day arrived when the couple would be announced man and wife in front of whole world. By the time birds announced it to be day every one was ready to bid the girl bye. The bride – my cousin would be leaving her parents and staying with her new family- her husband.
With in seconds the whole atmosphere was changed by a wave of sadness. This was when I thought about our social life. From childhood to adulthood we girls are protected, loved, pampered by our dearest parents and suddenly we are asked to change and survive in the new environment where you may find a mother-like image but not your mother. With only one hope and one reason a girls leaves every thing behind and walk into a new life. And the hope is love.

Men are supposed to be strong, and they cannot cry in public. Most men remain in their calm however emotionally broken they are. But this is one time when any father or brother would be seen with tears rolling down his eyes. Once the train left the station I was shocked to see my uncle breaking down in the station and other men trying to get hold of him.
The worst part of a wedding is the ritual of bidding the girl bye…it is called ‘Bidai’ in India. As a girl I always have a soft corner for the girls going through her bidai. But I was thinking what it must be like to be the groom and watching your bride and her family crying as if they are crying for their lives. It must be a feeling of guilt, a thief (stealing away the family treasure- the daughter) or just so annoyed by the drama going around him. But whatever the feeling is he must be terrible as his wife is weeping herself out during this custom.
Few hours later we called my cousin to ask if she was ok. She sounded excited and as normal as she was during her wedding time. Probably we girls are made to enjoy the present momet leaving behind the past or the boy’s family is too good at wiping off the crying girls tears.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Once upon a Time...
When my station was about to come I gave her a bad look getting up from the seat and stood near the exit of the train to get down. Her reaction was neutral as if she expected the look from me. I never looked back to her and rushed out of the train to catch up the auto. See if I would walk as if the garden I would be standing for auto rickshaw for ever so I had to speed up and catch one…its Mumbai meri jaan after all.
I saw a girl asking the rickshaw driver the same college that I wanted to go so I asked the lady if I can share the auto and she was happy to do that. As I made my way to the back seat next to the girl another voice asked if she could share as well. The girl agreed, as the other voice bend down to get in OH MY GOD this is the same poking girl I met in train and here again she was next to me. I cursed my luck. I was already late to the first class and this damn thing again????
Well I could not digest the fact and our destination arrived…OHHHH!!!! I paid and ran for the class….”hey wait for me” I heard and oh dear I had to wait for the train girl. We were last to enter the class and only place left for us was the front first bench…FIRST BENCH!!! This girl was certainly not nice for me….
The day went of well. We both were supposed to be friends by now as we had formal introduction. We got ourselves introduced to few people in the class and got bonded with 2-3 of them.
Later in the evening four of us went for snacks in the near by restaurant. And there I found this train girl is soooo talkative. She keeps on talking, talking and talking… Allows no one to talk while she is chatting. In days to come, 2 more girls join the gang of our four (who went out for the snacks), and now we were six. But we both somehow (even after initial cold war) bonded well.
2 years passed-by just fast the post graduation course got over and our friendship grew strong. From the gang of six the group is no were to be seen or heard. Some girls just had some misunderstanding and some just left us to no where. But finally we 2 are still strong. Its been 4 years now since our fist meet. She still talks to me as if today is the end of the world and I listen to her talks (trust me some times they like of no sense at all). She still asks my advice and never follows what I had advised and do what she likes. She still is as stupid and annoying as she was when I met her for the first time in the train.
And yes she still understands that some beads are poking me even without me telling her that. She still knows it somehow that I am sad. And yes she keeps her mouth shut when I am angry or frustrated. She still comes for my rescue from the world.
We both are the still pillars for each other and stand for each other again all odds. our friendship has been through many tough times but we stuck to each other. even after those deadly fights we still believd in each other.
This small little story of my anger with her on our first meet was just to tell you all life is too short to be cribbing and getting angry on others. Love the people around you and the people who care for you…
We both simply laugh about the whole occurrence and I still hate her pink dress with those beads but I love you my friend.
Someone who makes you laugh and never let you cry alone.
Someone who wants you to know there is good in the world.
Someone who always stands for you.
Someone who wants you to open the unlocked door,
Monday, March 16, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Have you Felt Lonely???

Suddenly life is changing,
Suddenly things are moving fast,
And suddenly I am feeling lonely.
I have 1000’s of friends to gossip with,
I have 100’s of relatives to talk to,
But in this crowd I am feeling Lonely.
When I m travelling I am thinking,
While having lunch I am trying,
Just to understand this feeling of loneliness.
Music makes me realize,
Films also give me hints,
How much I am lonely.
I cry, I Laugh, I crack jokes,
I behave kiddish just to forget,
But this is killing the loneliness.
Even while talking to my best friend,
Over the phone I listen to her,
She can never guess my irritation due to solitary.
I came alone in this world,
I’ll leave this world solely,
With nothing I came I’ll go empty and alone.
What is this Loneliness?
Why is it so hurting?
How do I get out of it?
Have you ever been Lonely?
Have you ever felt this pain?
Or it’s me giving it too much of importance?
Have you ever felt Lonely?