So its End of the season....Every shop has "end of season sale"....Never understood the meaning of such sales but ya its tempting to enter a shop and learn their offers...now once u hear there offers hmm "ek ke sath ek free"...."buy two get one free".... "50% sale"...."bring old get a new one in exchage"...so isn't it tempting...hmm very tempting.....so u enter a shop by too many things come home calculate ur budget and there u find ur biggest mistake to go for shopping...a HUGE AMOUNT BILL..he he he

But still shoppping is great fun isn't it?????
Im another shopaholic and these sales and discounts makes me jump....My mommy dear (i inherited shopping genes from her) helps me to maintain my hobby -Shopping
Now from past two weeks me n my mom are visiting this mall which have this outlet called MAX....

Purpose for visiting there: Shopping with all the Schemes they have....good one yaar......Ya really...hmm let me tell the great offer buy 3 get 1 free(hmm...normal), buy 4 get 2 free (better), the best buy 6 get 4 free...so at the cost of 6 products you get 4 free ...hmm...eariler we were reluctant no not good but last to last week we had to buy certain things so we end up there and once we bought few things we re4alised its good offer....so we went again next weekend and this weekend....so in total in 2 weeks we bought 20 clothes for 3-4 thousand hmm and i was happy unless my mom started counting our expenditure and started saying "it was better we had not gone there yaar"

oh i dont like this once you have bought it you should enjoy your purchase.....but i guess i'll not really go into counting by purchase unless i start earning...here comes the time when i should find a job for my self as the my post grad is over in few months......so shayad tab ata dal ka bhao samjayega he he he
Be it any thing i am sure I'll always love to shop for mom, dad, my brother, my house, people i love and care and ofcorse MYSELF......
Waiting for next weekend's shopping(where is the discount yaar?????? he he he) ;)

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