College Days
THESE college days of jollity and mirth
How pleasurable are they and how serene,
Just tinged with sorrow enough to welcome in
With heartier joy all wassail that gives birth
To bliss that lifts the spirit from the earth!
Shall not this book and the signatures herein
Of men whose friendship I am glad to win,
Years hence recall this time that knows no dearth
Of ready jests and sunshine of sweet lays
And vintages of Xeres and the Rhine?
Ah! the remembrance of these happy days,
The music and the laughter and the wit,
The cups that smile with glimmering of sweet wine
Age shall grow mellow with the thought of it.
Poems Describes feelings the best...I my self cannt write poems but do read them when ever possible this nice one written by by Richard Hovey
Reading this i could think of my college....hmmm i am missing those days
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