Hey I am not a writer nor a poet. So here in my blog you gonna read life through my eyes or rather my thoughts......keep reading.....
Monday, September 10, 2007
Happy B'day
it was my b'day yesterday. i had a blast. my frndz called me (n those who neither called nor sms nor scraped katti hmm not talkin to u)...realtives called and i was pampered a lot more than usual....it was my mom's b'day too (what a sweet gift mom got from GOD on her b'day when i was born he he he)...i the end i cud think of lovely people around me my best friend played happy b'day song on phone...she was more excited on my b'day than me...oh she is my sweetheart.....
but i remembered one of my sir's when i was in 7th std...
i remeber it very well it was his b'day and he was our fav sir...so we celebrated his b'day buying cake and gift for him...we gave him a small sweet party...he was touched deeply by our act...but after everything he started telling us something which has made a mark in my mind. though what he told is a total negative way towards life but still i remember those words of him very well now after so many years....
He said my dear kids y r u all so happy. Happy for me? for my b'day? really??? but y? ur happy that i grew another year old....u r happy because im one year closer to my death ur happy because i m closer to my death my end....ru happy for that...there was absolute slience in the class. we all were unhappy with his words. we were so excited about his b'day & this was what he had to tell us???? He just walked out of the class...leaving us upset, confused and annoyed.
But that thing, his words made a mark on me....its the way u look towards life...+ve or -ve its in your own hand. u can be happy that i have seen the world and lived life safely and beautifully one more year (being happy fot the past) or unhappy, afraid and scared to face anothr year of life....
i take my b'day in a +ve way...i grew a year old but the process was good and beautiful...because i love my life and i love this world... May be my professor was very old (he retired in 2-3 years after this incidence), may thats why his way of looking at life was different.
but yes this b'day was the very nice as many of my frndz remembered my b'day (ya may because of orkut b'day remainders but atleast they wished). Thanks all my friendz to make my day special and wonderful.
GOD bless you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Harmony Of Life – Where is the Peace????
The poem started saying that when God was making us - the humans, He had different glasses full of love, care, richness, glory, and every thing man needed to survive and live life to the fullest. He kept pouring one by one each of the glasses. And when the last glass came he stopped..... He began thinking whether this glass should be poured. Then He thought if this glass is also poured then man will be complete, content... this will make man away from Him (away from GOD).And if he restricts this glass then man will miss something in life and will hence be close to HIM (close to God).
This last glass contained peace to mind or rest. This is the only thing which keeps us abreast with the God.
'Peace of mind' is one thing every human is searching, every human is wondering for. what ever you do for others or for your own self, in the end you do feel hmm something is missing somewhere but what and where is that thing missing.
When we were young we never understood because its beyond our thinking but when we grow old we can't think because its beyond our understanding.
But if one doesn't believe in God its important to think... Where is the peace in our life... we keep running behind happiness and still miss the happiness in our life... that rest of mind is no where....
Keep searching guys............
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
life goes as it comes...its goin on n on n on

Henry Miller
It was a great day when i got my MTech Thesis in my hand. I could feel the thrill inside me. Vo so i completed MTech and now only one seminar and things are done. On 16th of Aug I gave my seminar infront of an external examiner and 2 internal people. I was Scared of screwing up things on stage. But to my relief i could talk cooly and didnt even stopped out of nervesness. phew things went well question round was cool enough and i felt confident.
How was the seminar????????? according to me was great and actually how was it that my marks for the semester will speak for me.

any how all is well that ends well......
Now the biggest chalange in life.... what next... I m been called an intelligent MTech girl s what next..... Job hunting he he he he he
Its still in process i m hoping best for me and my frndz who in same situation that im in. Atleast i could extend my project period rather than sitting at home....
Its still in process i m hoping best for me and my frndz who in same situation that im in. Atleast i could extend my project period rather than sitting at home....So im busy getting up early in the morning and getting ready to go to the office. But this is not a job im a trainee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now i have realised the importance of enjoying life you never know where will life take you so live life to the fullest as if there is no tommorow...i love life.
JOb job job...aja aja aja...ha ha ha goin to come this way gotta go harder way to search..n sing
"tu chupa hai kahan main tersti yahhan" and life is goin on & on...hmm...
Friday, August 10, 2007
Reports on rains..........
It’s an old story but just got time to fill the blog…

I was amazed to see headline in some news channel something like
Soon start the blame game… Who was responsible for such situation…But was this the write time to play such games. Today people need help. I could even see reporters asking people standing in waist length water how are you feeling, what is your condition, what you gonna do next…are boss they in trouble how will a person in trouble feel…
Certain thing like rivers overflowing which added to the heavy rain which lead to water clogging (yap clogging its coz of less cleanliness) … its something natural calamity one need to be patient with that. I know this blame game would begin in media and newspaper etc .. but they could have waited for few days for it to get over… and report stuff which needed stress more on that .. like what is being done and what should be… done now rather than asking why wasn’t this done earlier and on n on.
What ever it is Amchi Mumbai rocks. And its only we who can make it comparable to Shanghai…….
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Rain rain go away come again another day (year)
I never experienced the worst condition in Mumbai during heavy rains. Either I don’t go out or reach home early before havoc starts. But this year I could experience rains; oh it’s a torture.
I reach home usually by 6:30-6:45pm, but this day 18th July it was raining like cat and dogs.. It rained so heavily, that my company bus took ‘1 n half-hour’ to reach the stop I get down to the usual 45 mins. On top of that my friend was waiting at my home to pick me up. We had plans to go to her home for a day stay. Damn on that day only. My friend returning from Goa thought to pick me up on the way to her home. And I agreed to it, didn’t knew it will rain so badly.
Late coz of traffic I rushed to the station in knee length water. Oh I walked on that dirty brown water that touched my knee as I was wearing long skirt things got worse. Any wayz reached home an hour late (thank god! trains were running…late… very late but were running). In 10mins changed into dry clothes packed few things n rushed to my friend’s car. Her dad was driving (sweet uncle was so tired but was still waiting patiently 4 me.3 cheers to him). And off we went. Now I think I reached home any wayz but I went out again just to get stuck in that heavy rain and traffic. Her home is only an hour from my house. He He He and it took me 6 hours to reach there. Wonderful isn’t it.
I met my friend (my best buddy) after a long time. So I was excited to chat to her. After some distance our talk ended. Nothing left we both did all the gossip now what???? Comment on rains, that was over and only one thing remained…SLEEP…. I can sleep in a car for long long hours….so I slept bit by bit…..cool
We reached her home by 2am. (8pm-2am) We were standing (traffic didn’t move a bit) just 20 mins away from home for an hour….its bad really bad. hmmm…..Reaching home had dinner chatted again with other family member and went of to sleep by 3-3:30am.oh I remember my college days when we used to study late night.
But this Rain I’ll remember. I am glad I had not seen the worse part of this rains….cars submerge, water inside homes…I was lucky enough to escape all that…but one thing I saw on road that made me sob was small kids trying to hide from rains. These kids have no roof to hide those poor kids stay on road n rains are bad for them…. I can never forget the site of those small sweet kids.
Monday, August 06, 2007

Its Rainy season in August Still and in Mumbai (India), its effecting life.
Drizzle and drip and drain -
Such a lot of water
Comes down with the rain!
-Marchette Chute
Its full of life and fun. But for all of us rains are not happy hours. When sitting at home rains are cool but on road rains brings problem.
The road is wet, the sky is gray.
They dress me up, from head to toes,
In lots and lots of rubber clothes.
I wish the sun would come and stay.
I do not like a rainy day.
-William Wise
Although the feeling is beautiful. The cool breeze and wounderful whether. Greenary every were – the grass, tress or rocks or water every were you can experience greenary. After a long summer days, dry whether, dry skin, and hot sunny whether a rain drop help relive all the ain in the summer.
when I smile
they smile,
when I laugh
they laugh,
and when I cry
they don't mind getting wet.
-Frank Asch

I know I know no poems are written by me but i just loved these poems just reading them gave me a relief from my tensions and pain. Rainy season can be a reason for joy for some and for some romance yes for some it can bring pain- no outing, stuck in traffic and getting all wet. Rains brings along with it dieases.
Say any thing but rains brings hope for new and better times isn't it.
When the rain is over,
Take care and have a happy rainy season.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
College Days

Monday, July 16, 2007
Shopping A Craze for ALL

So its End of the season....Every shop has "end of season sale"....Never understood the meaning of such sales but ya its tempting to enter a shop and learn their offers...now once u hear there offers hmm "ek ke sath ek free"...."buy two get one free".... "50% sale"...."bring old get a new one in exchage"...so isn't it tempting...hmm very tempting.....so u enter a shop by too many things come home calculate ur budget and there u find ur biggest mistake to go for shopping...a HUGE AMOUNT BILL..he he he

But still shoppping is great fun isn't it?????
Im another shopaholic and these sales and discounts makes me jump....My mommy dear (i inherited shopping genes from her) helps me to maintain my hobby -Shopping
Now from past two weeks me n my mom are visiting this mall which have this outlet called MAX....

Purpose for visiting there: Shopping with all the Schemes they have....good one yaar......Ya really...hmm let me tell the great offer buy 3 get 1 free(hmm...normal), buy 4 get 2 free (better), the best buy 6 get 4 free...so at the cost of 6 products you get 4 free ...hmm...eariler we were reluctant no not good but last to last week we had to buy certain things so we end up there and once we bought few things we re4alised its good offer....so we went again next weekend and this weekend....so in total in 2 weeks we bought 20 clothes for 3-4 thousand hmm and i was happy unless my mom started counting our expenditure and started saying "it was better we had not gone there yaar"

oh i dont like this once you have bought it you should enjoy your purchase.....but i guess i'll not really go into counting by purchase unless i start earning...here comes the time when i should find a job for my self as the my post grad is over in few months......so shayad tab ata dal ka bhao samjayega he he he
Be it any thing i am sure I'll always love to shop for mom, dad, my brother, my house, people i love and care and ofcorse MYSELF......
Waiting for next weekend's shopping(where is the discount yaar?????? he he he) ;)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Its Good to be Unwell....Advantages

Oh how nice it is to be ill....its good to have fever, cough and cold.....No no i know know what i am saying......well there is pain but also some advantages.....
lets start with the advantages that i felt are advantages......
I was having all the three -fever, cough and cold few days back. Season changed and my brother brought it home. when he was ok with it i caught it and i blammed him for my suffer on which my brother said "its your weak immune system not me to be blammed"...hmmm he was right....but what will m dear immune system do yaar when the virus will be every where at home and at my work place.
Well i got fever when i was in office. Couldn't work that day and damn the office is too far from home re......ne ways the day passed and when i reached home by company bus as usual at 7 i was burning...and i remembered "the day after tommorow i
have a presentation". and i collapsed on my bed and got up only by 11 when i cud feel my dad checking my temperature...He being a Doctor himself gave me

medications and instructed to take a leave next day....when i turned around i could c my mom n brother standing next to my bed very sympethically...oh i felt so touched "i have my people around me when i am not well" after dinner i selpt and got up next day "9:30" wow i enjoyed my sleep i usually dont sleep so long but today it was allowed...
i was in my bed the whole day... my cousin called me and in a very sweet voice i told him "Main Bimar hoon
Bhaiya" and there comes lots of advice and one i liked the most "go and be in ur bed and take rest my dear lil sis"...hmmmm so he was there for me and almost every day he called or scraped me to enquire about my health wounderful isn't it..
Next was my best friend Rupali to call. She called and with my heavy voice i said how are you and she was like "what happened to you???you sound ill why dont you take
care you have to present tommorow and whats up with you....." n on n on.... i love her she the sweetest...
so by the eveing all the relatives in mumbai came to know i am not well so whenever in next few days i met them all of them how are you my child..oh you look so weak...i think u have lost weight (my fav)... take care sweety, eat this and eat that and what not i could hear... hmm at times its annoying but if you think deeply these are small things make you special...
next day when i went back to work every one asking oh howz u??? and could feel eveyone's concern...i had a presentation today so a lil prepared and a lil not prepared i started talking. and heavy voice and coughing was disturbing me i guess others too....but the presentation went well and people were happy with my cartoons and explaination....only thing i lack and instant answering hmm... gotta work on that so that right words come out at right time...
ne wayz that day was good so here comes sat and sun holiday so things went well n i got chance to take rest but again i had to take holiday on monday for complete rest....well this week went by with me being ill....
So there is no moral of the story no no i dont like to gain sympathy or any such thing but i was more than happy when people around me cared for me...
list of advantages
1- parents more concern and caring....more of there protective hug and caring hands.....
2- friends and relative calling you often and talkin to you...
3- get a chance to spend your day at home...SLEEPING (when i am not well i prefer sleeping)
4- you get guests coming to see you just you... so they took out time to come to you and sit besides you (nice na)

5- you usually reduce a bit of that extra fat...
Well every coin has two sides
the bitter side of this is- you are not well feeling weak and irritated...(what is worse than this), have to eat that blunt food... and you r in pain...
So i am still suffering from that dry cough but why to see dat bad part see the good part you are loved more than usual....and u become center of attraction
he he he he
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Today it’s been 6 months away from my college so I am missing those dayz…. I am missing my frndz and strangely missing small stupid fights with them…
U hate u love u doesn’t care but college dayz and college frndz are important part of our life….
Hey I just remembered our a months trip (Educational trip...hey remember v went for

Oh I remember the fight between us (6 girls and no fights not possible)..fights were for small things…. foolish things but they grew big…such that we were no more a group… that 5 frndz of mine reduced to 2 v divided into 3-3……
Ha things were bad then tensions and anger all at one place under one roof. “hey move away u r taking so much place I don’t get place to sleep”, “y did u touch my bag I kept it here who asked u to move it from here”, “its my turn to bath u go after me”, “ah u sleep so much”, “were u guyz went without telling us” and on n on…..
But in spite of all this v enjoyed to the fullest among our own groups (the whole 13 were divided till then in different groups)…sitting in eat street for hours and

When v came back to Mumbai things got worst…..it was worst till v left 6 months ago
But now today when I think of those dayz I miss all of my frndz even those whom v had huge fight….

But hey my classmates I am missing u and I am sure u guys r feeling the same…now after all this I have forgiven all and I am waiting to to meet my buddies all 6 of us in Aug this year and I am sure u all leave the anger and every bad memories behind as I am gonna do
to Start a poem.......

College Days
THESE college days of jollity and mirth
How pleasurable are they and how serene,
Just tinged with sorrow enough to welcome in
With heartier joy all wassail that gives birth
To bliss that lifts the spirit from the earth!
Shall not this book and the signatures herein
Of men whose friendship I am glad to win,
Years hence recall this time that knows no dearth
Of ready jests and sunshine of sweet lays
And vintages of Xeres and the Rhine?
Ah! the remembrance of these happy days,
The music and the laughter and the wit,
The cups that smile with glimmering of sweet wine
Age shall grow mellow with the thought of it.
Poems Describes feelings the best...I my self cannt write poems but do read them when ever possible this nice one written by by Richard Hovey
Reading this i could think of my college....hmmm i am missing those days
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Peom for beautiful life...............
Like a dew drop sliding from wings of a sun flower
We draw affection towards selected few people
i read this poem somewhere long time back written by some Indian poet i loved it be cause i think it teaches to love life